No Norms,
No Rules
Concept and Director:
Nina Nikolikj
Nina Dean
Simona Spirovska
Biljana Jovanovska
Aleksandra Kochovska
Tina Trpkoska
Ruse Arsov
Emilija Chochkova
Vasko Srafimov
Costum Designer:
Dragana Lukan
Filip Nikolovski, Goran Arsov
The three young actresses from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje - Simona Spirovska, Nina Dean and Biljana Jovanovska; Aleksandra Kochovska graduated from Salzburg experimental academy of dance and Tina Trpkoska in the role of the narrator - in the choreography „No Norms No Rules“ speak about the fights, passion, disappointments...
The spectators have the opportunity to recognize their personal stories in the choreography. We all see differently. The performance is also dynamic because he performers constantly rotate through the spaces. Some of the choreographies are repeated, and some are shown only once. The narrative line is the same regardless the room from which the performance is viewed, but the aspect is different. "No Norms No Rules" is a drama that can be watched more than once, and always differently.
Фестивали и турнеи:
12.04.2010 – Танц фест Скопје