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It Won't Be the End of the World 
Adnan Lugonić


Nina Nikolikj

Costume Designer:

Ivana Karanfilovska Ugurovska​

Set Designer:

Angel Petrovski


Oliver Mitlovski (music adaptation);

Dimitar Masevski (song "Magdalena")​

Language coach for Macedonian language:

Gjorgji Jolevski​

Stage Manager: 

Vukica Aleksandrova​


Deni Ingilizovski​

Poster Designer:

Dimitar Dimitrov​

Private confessions

Cast List:

Darja Rizova

Saša Handžić,

Džana Džanić


Premiere September 2021 Sarajevo War Theatre SARTR

Premiere November 2021 Macedonian National Theatre Skopje

Duration: 70min without intermission 

The moment you hear the first line being uttered on the small theatre stage which, in the form of a space, is meant to represent and resemble our so-called home, the one that fulfils all our everyday needs, but with universal functionality, you feel completely overwhelmed by the play script of the young author Adnan Lugonic, which, even with no additional effects, totally stripped off and completely essential, leads you through the characters of one family – a father and two sisters, while the atmosphere, created by the young director Nina Nikolic, consists of authentic life tension and a big secret that are inevitable part of the real life situations, whereas in the modern theatrical realism, they may not often surprise you or skilfully guide you through the labyrinth called life.

It’s all about life on stage, the family life, because life itself obviously writes stories and it is this particular story, which seems to be cut out of life with invisible scissors and put on stage. It’s about life that probably hurts most, the family life, which may remind us, as viewers, of the family values ​​and flaws we have forgotten or suppressed, due to social circumstances. That’s why theatre is here to remind us.

Accordingly, as we are trying to cut off our ancestral roots, without which, unfortunately, we obviously cannot survive healthily in social circumstances or remain successful and prosperous, we can see all the characters of this family who are, in a desperate or tragicomic way, striving to assemble pieces of the broken glass which symbolizes their broken and dysfunctional family, that are related to the life cycles, to the past traumas, to the physical advantages and disadvantages at every age.

Situations of dramatic conflict, when all three characters collide with different individual traumas, have been resolved in a sophisticated and modern way, without excessive tone of aggressive emotion, which is frequently present in the situations of conflict in many contemporary theatrical performances, so that the characters become the types who convey the message: we should all live in the present, no matter if it makes us successful or not.

The father character (Sasha Handzic), as the backbone of the family, is a typical example of a limited person in terms of his psycho-physical condition, which depends on how the others treat him; the character of Masha (Darja Rizova), who has inherited family responsibilities for her father despite her individual dreams for the future; and the character of her sister Nina (Dzenana Dzanic), a typical example that everyone has the right to life having responsibility for it: all these characters, in a peculiar and authentic way – as antagonists, defend their life thesis and conduct their lines perfectly, reason with each other, not interfering in other character’s territory. This is clearly a smart selection of cast guided by the director.

It all has been wrapped up in realistic and sound images by the director, but in the minimalist manner in which she immaculately conducts the so-called atmosphere of home, with a background sound, as well as with a typical painful and family picture (realistic) where everyone gathers trying to stay together and create an unreal fairy tale. This kind of reading of the script allows you to focus on the playwright and the acting, not extorting any emotions from you, because they are to a great extent expressed by the playwright himself, honestly experienced and properly conveyed by the entire creative team.

Zvezdana Angelovska
First-class actress at Macedonian National Theatre – Skopje


Tours & festivals

27.11.2021 - International Theatre Festival MOT Skopje, North Macedonia

25.10.2021 - International Theatre Festival "ZiviFest", Zivinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina

15.03.2022 - Bursa International Balkan Countries Theatre Festival “Balkan Breeze”, Bursa, Turkey

02.06.2022 - International Festival of the Actor Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

04.06.2022 - Festival of Bosnian drama and author's theatre Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

06.06.2022 - Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina

22.06.2022 - Skopje Summer Festival 2022, Skopje, North Macedonia

12.09.2022 - International Festival of Chamber Theatre “Risto Shishkov”

24.10.2022 - Susreti kazališta/pozorišta BiH Brčko distrikt, Brčko


A Unique Prize for High Achievement in Acting (Darja Rizova) - International Festival of Chamber Theatre “Risto Shishkov” 2022

Award for Best Performance by Journalist Jury - Festival of Bosnian drama and author's theatre Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022

Award for Best Actress (Darja Rizova)  - International Festival of the Actor Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022

Award for Best International Actress by the Jury of the Magazine Yeni Tiyatro Dergisi (Darja Rizova) - Turkey, season 2021 / 2022

Award for Best Actress (Darja Rizova)  - International Theatre Festival "ZiviFest" Zivinice 2021

Award for Best Actor (Saša Handžić) - International Theatre Festival "ZiviFest" Zivinice 2021

Special Award for Best Actress (Džana Džanić)  - International Theatre Festival "ZiviFest" Zivinice 2021

Special Award for Best Director (Nina Nikolikj)  - International Theatre Festival "ZiviFest" Zivinice 2021

Darja Rizova @Award for Best Actress

Дарја Ризова ја освои наградата за најдобро актерско остварување на Фестивалот на камерен театар „Ристо Шишков“ во Струмица за улогата на Маша во претставата „Нема да биде крај на светот“

„Нејзината свесност за сценско присуство ја потврди прецизноста при креирањето на улогата, како и умереноста во камерната игра. Таа на сцената прикажа исклучителна актерска игра за камерен театар со гола и суштествена игра, речиси без никакви концептуални решенија и ефекти. Покажа актерски сензибилитет, кој истовремено е младешки и бунотвен, а неверојатно ранлив, топол и искрен, едноставен и современ“, соопшти Звездана Ангеловска, претседателка на жирито.

Darja Rizova @Award for Best Actress

Актерска награда за Дарја Ризова во Турција

Adnan Lugonic


Svaka premijera u pandemijskim okolnostima je pravo čudo

Nina Nikolikj


„Крај на светот“ е само изговор за мрзеливоста и немањето храброст да се дејствува

Sasa Handzic
Светот пропаѓа зашто ја изгубивме емпатијата, вели восанскиот актер Саша Ханџиќ пред скопрската премиера на „Нема да биде крај на светот“
Светот во еден момент навистина застана
It Won't Be the End of the World @Nina Nikolikj
Претстава во режија на Нина Николиќ со четири награди во БиХ
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